Types of Airborne Allergens in Homes: Their Symptoms and Mitigation Options

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In-house airborne allergens are amongst the most common causes of allergic reactions. Knowing their sources and how your body reacts to them enables you to eliminate or control them effectively to avoid health complications such as skin and respiratory ailments.

Dust Mites

Constant wheezing and sneezing whenever you’re indoors is in most cases an indication of dust mites. Environmental studies on in-house pollution note that one out of two homes contains high levels dust mites which lead to constant stuffy and runny noses, post-nasal drips and stuffy ears. Installing effective air purifiers and constant cleaning of carpets using vacuum cleaners helps you keep these airborne allergens and bay and maintains your family’s health.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC, for short, can either emanate from household products with synthetic chemical elements or the materials used to construct your home. Adhesives, drapes, air fresheners, carpet backing, dyes, paint and liquid cleaners are examples of products with high VOC concentration. VOCs are known to cause headaches, chest tightness, eye and throat irritation, fatigue and skin rashes. You can eliminate them with the help of safe chemical and odor air purifiers.


Dehumidifiers are effective in controlling molds which are in-house airborne allergens that cause wheezing and sneezing in addition to bouts of mild or chronic coughs. Molds can as well be kept at bay by regular disinfection and cleaning of house hold items that are prone to wetness such as shower curtains. Cleaning your bathroom, toilet and kitchen sinks more often also eliminates these allergens as adjusting your house’ natural lighting to avoid dark corners thwarts the growth of various strains of molds.

Proper containment of airborne allergens is not a one-time event but a lifelong routine that improves your living standards and lowers your annual medical bills by margins you never thought possible.


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