Three Common uses of Aromatherapy in the House

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When your house smells good, you are also bound to feel very good. When your house is not a zoo of insects, you will live a very healthy and comfortable life. Aromatherapy is the best way to keep the house smelling lovely and at the same time keep insects out and disinfect the home. This is by using essential oils. Now you have no reason to purchase those artificial aerosols that do not last and at the same time cause health problems for some people. 

At the most basic level, there are three uses of aromatherapy for your home. It all depends on which essential oils you are using and how much of each. There are so many essential oils in the market and this basically means that you can come up with your own cocktail of scents that you find most appealing for your house and convenient for the purpose you want completed.

Aromatherapy in the home is first and foremost employed to spread a lovely smell around the house. There are some smells that you most definitely cannot afford to have in the house. Using essential oils such as lavender, rose, orange, vanilla and many others you can mask those awful smells and spread something fresh and appealing.
Secondly, you can use aromatherapy in repulsion of insects. This is a really interesting way of keeping insects away. Instead of using those repellants that smell like cow dung, you can use a combination of eucalyptus, tea tree and peppermint. They all have a great scent and most of all, insects hate the smell- so you will love this cocktail.

Finally, aromatherapy for your home can also be used for disinfecting purposes. It is not logical that you are exposed to filthy air when you are outside and inside your house. You can disinfect the air in your house by combining lemon, clove, tea tree and a healthy dose of cinnamon. This combination or any other you find to be great for you will be perfect not only for fresh aromatic air in the house but also for disinfecting the air.


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