Fun Organization Tips for Kids' Rooms

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It is amazing how quickly a child's room can go from neat to disaster.  Asking your kid to pick up their room is usually about as easy as pulling teeth, but no one wants to be their child's personal maid.  However, if there is a fun way to store and organize the items and toys in your child's bedroom, then cleaning up becomes less of a chore and more like a game.

First, collect all of the toys, books, and games in the room and go through them one by one to decide if your kid needs to keep all of it.  You'll likely find items that he or she grew out of years ago, but it's been hiding in the back of the closet.  Choose what things will be tossed or donated and take stock of the rest.  Figure out the best ways to store these things and make a shopping list of what kinds of organizational items would be best.

Many retail stores sell bins, cubbies, chests, shelves, baskets, and bookcases that are fun colors and kid-sized.  When you bring the stuff home, have your child help arrange them in the room.  Then they can help you decide which toys will go into which bin or shelf.  Finally, label the storage items with classifications, such as puzzles, action figures, ponies, etc. so that everyone remembers where everything goes.  This will also help if you hire maid housekeeping services or even a babysitter. They will have an idea of where to put things if they are tidying up the child's room.

Make cleanup time a part of the night routine.  Create a game out of it... "Let's see how many toys you can pick up in ten minutes!  Ready…set…go!"  At first, be involved in the cleaning process and try to make it a positive experience.  They will be learning healthy organizational methods that will last a lifetime.


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